2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, March 8, 2010

REVIEW for Mind over Money

A big, big thank you to the authors for sending me a copy of their book!

TITLE: Mind Over Money

AUTHORS: Brad and Ted Klontz

GENRE: Personal Finance

RATING: 4 Stars
I read alot of personal finance books - although I no longer have debt, I often feel as though I do not look at money the correct way, which is why this book drew me to it. It is unlike any other book o the subjec that I have ever read. Mind over Money actually looks at the "basic" root of our issues with me - sure we all know that the $5.00 latte is not good for our budget, but WHY do we even want that $5.00 latte is what I want to know about.
Mind Over Money actually calls our view of money (or or disordered view of money) as a disorder - and they put forward some very convincing and (true for me) views of why and how we see money the way we do. While they state the problems - they also state some great ways of dealing with the issues and I, for one, am a convert.
This is not a finance book that will explain to you how to use the lint from your dryer to create a parachute!!!! but rather take a serious and very honest look at what our brain on money actually looks like.
Loved it.

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