2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

REVIEW for Just Like Me, Only Better

Thank you so very much to author Carol Snow and her publicist for sending me a copy of the book to read and review!
TITLE: Just Like Me, Only Better

AUTHOR: Carol Snow
GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 4 Stars
I consider myself quite the "expert" when it comes to all things related to chick lit, which is why I am so baffled by the fact that I had never heard of author Carol Snow before. She has written quite a few chick lit novels and I never read any of them until Just Like Me, Only Better.
This book is exactly what good chick lit should be - airy, funny, entertaining and extremely engaging - I started this book and could not put it down (which is a good and bad thing as I wanted the experience to last as long as possible).
We meet Veronica who has been dealt quite a blow - her older (much) husband has actually left her for an older woman!! (nice take on the "mistress" issue). She is sort of kind of dealing with it and having her young son around really helps. What also really helps is the fact that she looks alot like superstar Haley Rush - and this is where the story takes a delightful and fun turn.
Veronica is asked to "replace" Haley at public outings because, as she will come to find out, Haley is completely falling apart in many ways. This was one of the best aspects of the storyline - while you think that you will be reading about yet another spoiled superstar, you come to discover that Haley is actually a lot more complex - and this realization is only given to us in very small doses at a time.

Veronica actually starts to "sort of" bond with Haley, all the while struggling from falling in love with Haley's "ex" and Haley's Manager.

Throughout the storyline, Veronica never really forgets who she is and this added a layer of reality that just touched a perfect tone- she continues to deal with her very life issues - away from the spotlight and glamour that she has been thrown into. There is a very obvious difference between the two women and their lives - all the while, making us realize that fame and money are NOT always the right answer.
Extremely engaging, well written and utterly charming - I have now ordered every one of Carol Snow's other novels - I can't wait to read them - more chick lit on the way YEAH!!!!

You HAVE to get this one!!!!!!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Wow, that must be good since you ordered the author's backlist!

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