TITLE: My Invisible Boyfriend
AUTHOR: Susie Day
RATING: 4 Stars
I loved reading Invisible Boyfriend, partly because the storyline is so creative and cute - I mean, really, who, in high school did not have the thought of creating the "perfect" boyfriend - you know, the one that you could never really find in real life because - let's face it - the perfect boyfriend does not exist other than in our own minds.
I loved the Heidi character because she was fun, engaging and smart - which is always something that I look for in my main characters - no wishy washy girls need apply! The only part that I thought was a bit predictable was the "guy falling for Heidi" and while I do see why he is brought into the storyline, it felt as though i had read this part before.
Nonetheless, once I got use to his contribution to the storyline, I once again, found myself totally egaged and in love with this book. Sharply written, with great humor and wit - loved it.
I think everyone has imagine the perfect boyfriend when they were in high school.
Okay where were these kind of books back in the day. I will definetly have to look for this book the next time I am out.
This sounds like a really cute book and I'm so glad you liked it. Great review, I'm defiantly adding it to my wishlist!
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