2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

REVIEW for Nice Recovery

A big thank you goes out to author Susan Juby and the people at Penguin Canada for sending me this book!

TITLE: Nice Recovery

AUTHOR: Susan Juby

GENRE: Memoir

RATING: 4 Stars

I am such a huge fan of Susan Juby and I was thrilled to find out that she wrote this book (and a little surprised).In Nice Recovery, we get to find out a lot more about the author of the Alice series.

She is incredibly honest her battle and addiction with booze - and I applaud her for having the courage to write about a subject that is so personal.Its amazing to me, after reading her story, that she has managed to come out of her experience.

Its obvious that Juby was deep into her addiction and thankfully, she managed to get help - it is an inspiring story that leads a person and author that is sober and healthy enough to write this book.I detect Juby's writing style immediated in this book - although the subject matter is way more serious than her usual YA style, you can still detect the humour and overall tone of hope - I loved it.

Written with raw honesty and very touching, I find myself rooting for Juby to stay clean and sober so that she can lead a happy life and continue to give us great stories

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like an amazing and brave book.

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