2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

REVIEW for The Way I See It

A big thank you goes out to Robert at Globe Pequot Press for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: The Way I See It

AUTHOR: Melissa Sue Anderson

GENRE: Memoir

RATING: 3 Stars

I am a big lover of memoirs - especially if they are written by former TV stars, from TV shows that I remember. I have to say that The Way I See It was a fairly bland entry into the genre. On the positive side, Melissa Sue Anderson was extremely classy and restrained - especially when it came to "spilling" the juicy gossip or talking about her ex co workers.

However, I think this was to the detriment of the book, since this- one reads like one big showalogue of each episode described in painful blow by blow moments.

For anyone who has seen the show repeatedly, this must have felt incredibly boring and tedious, as it was for me, and I wasn't the kind of fan who watched each episode over and over again. There were a few interesting tidbits, especially the fact that the author lives in Montreal now! She has come a long way from that Little House on the Prairie! and as I said, you get the sense that Anderson is a very classy and discreet lady - which does not work well when you are writing a memoir.


bermudaonion said...

I don't think this is for me since I never watched Little House on the Prairie.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ha! I knew the name was familiar! Little House! Yeah.

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