2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

REVIEW for 15 Minute Everyday Pilates

A big thank you goes out to DK Publishing for sending this book along to me!

TITLE: 15 Minute Everyday Pilates

AUTHOR: Alycia Ungran

GENRE: Sports/Health

RATING: 4 Stars

15 Minute Everyday Pilates is THE perfect solution for those who want to get in a quick workout but don't have alot of time or alot of patience. This book is concise, informative and it works! I love Pilates, but I don't always have the time I need to spend on doing a full session. This book is the perfect solution - very well explained poses, a nice sequence that covers off all the major areas and doable almost anywhere at any time. I loved that this book is created for anyone who is "on the go".
Now, we can get in a few minutes of Pilates each and every day without jeopordazing the other important aspects of our lives. I now am carrying this book around with me - so that I can get in as much exercise as I can when I can. You have to purchase this book if you have been using the "I don't have time" excuse.

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