2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, August 20, 2010

REVIEW and Blog Tour Stop for the Worst Thing She Ever Did

A big thank you to the wonderful people at Harper Collins for inviting me to join their blog tour of the book!

TITLE:                   The Worst Thing She Ever Did

AUTHOR:              Alice Kuipers

GENRE:                 YA

RATING:                4 Stars

First of all, this book evoked so many different emotions in me that I found myself having to put it down to take a deep breath.

The author has managed to create a heart stopping story - detailing our main character, Sophie's, emotional turmoil and pain - a little bit at a time.  In fact, this is one of the aspects of the book that I love the most - Sophie "shows" us her pain instead of simply telling us about it - when she describes her panic attacks, it felt as though i was having one also!

This book is not for the faint of heart - by that I mean if you are looking for a cutesy story or one with vampires appearing suddenly - then this is not the book for you, however, if you are looking to read a deeply detailed, touching novel of what life can be like for a young adult, who suddenly finds herself in a situation she wishes with all her heart she was not in - then, you have to pick The Worst Thing She Ever Did up.  Be warned however, you will not want to put the book down once you start it.

The author's writing is wonderful - detailed in the right spots, but more importantly, touching and sensitive. As readers, we won't actually really "discover" what Sophie did - until almost the very end - but by that time, we will have completely fallen for Sophie and will find ourselves wanting to engulf her with hugs and reassurances.

Loved, loved, this book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

A book that evokes that kind of emotion is always a good one! Thanks for your great review!

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