2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, February 28, 2011

REVIEW for Managing your Money

As always, I have to say a huge thank you to Erika and the wonderful people at John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd. for sending me this book.  Wiley has the best collection of non fiction books that I have ever seen - and its ALL Canadian!!!

TITLE:                Managing Your Money

GENRE:              Personal Finance

RATING:            4 Stars

First off, let me say that Managing your Money is Canadian - which means that it looks at financial issues faced by Canadians - which I love.  This book is also found exclusively at Indigo Books and Music and Chapters bookstores across Canada - 100% Canadian.

I basically devored this one.  Its pretty short with 120 pages - which is just fine with me because this book is about giving you the most important information - without all the padding and fanfare that so many other personal finance books seem to feel a need to add.  This means that you get right down to reading about the things that touch you on a day to day basis.

The chapters are divided by categories such as Setting Realistic Expectations and Distinguishing Needs and Wants - which, in my opinion, is probably THE most important part of the entire book.  I came away shaking my head after reading this chapter (which is the second chapter).  Much of my financial issues (as well as many other individuals) I believe, is the fact that I always think that when I think of buying something - I just assume it is something I NEED - just because I thought about it.  In reality, there are lot more wants in life than needs.

I also really liked the chapter on how to use your banking services - which is, frankly, something I had never really considered in the past.

This book is well written and clear and concise.  The nitty-gritty stuff you need to know is in here and the book even offers the readers the opportunity of jotting down their own financial numbers directly on the individual pages.

Loved this book, especially around tax time - which always makes me feel as though somehow, I should be doing more.

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