2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

REVIEW for To Catch a Prince

Thank you to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:          To Catch a Prince

AUTHOR:     Gillian McKnight

GENRE:         YA

RATING:       2.5 Stars

I had never heard of this series before so I was thrilled to find a new author (for me) who writes YA chick lit.

Actually, this series has been around for a bit, but this edition incorporates two novels - including the Frog Prince. 

Alexis and Helene are heading out to London and they are excited.  They do everything together and are not only stepsisters, but best friends.  As they are heading for London, they come up with a bet - one of them must end up "meeting" and "catching"  Prince William.

Okay, first I have to say that this particular storyline felt a little "pushing the envelope of reality" a tiny bit.  Nonetheless, I thought it might be fun to read, especially with all the hoopla surrounding the Royal Wedding that is coming up shortly.

I thought the novel was fair - I think the main problem I had with it is that it is soooooo slow.  I am not one for reading passages that include way too many details and this book (and this writing) was guilty of this offense!  Wow!  one passage could go on for pages and pages and frankly, I found myself losing interest.

When the girls were actually involved in some kind of activity, my interest would pick up, but once these passages were over, it was back to detail after painful detail.

My other issue with this book is that it is kind of silly and improbable. I read chick lit, a lot of it, so I am quite use to suspending my disbelief.  I am, therefore, not all that picky about the probability of an event truly happening, but To Catch a Prince pushed it way too far at times.

Yeah, as you can see, this one was not one that I would recommend.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Ewww 2.5? That's too bad!

bermudaonion said...

I think I'm probably too old for this one.

ChickLitPlus said...

Nice review Tina!

ChickLitPlus said...

Nice review Tina!

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