2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

REVIEW for All that is Bitter & Sweet

A big thank you goes out to

TITLE:                  All That is Bitter & Sweet

AUTHOR:            Ashley Judd

GENRE:               Memoir

RATING:             4 Stars

I am a huge reader of memoirs and I have always loved Ashley Judd in any movie she has appeared in. With this in mind, I was thrilled to be able to read this memoir.

I will own up and say that I kind of envied Judd. I always thought she was pretty and seemed to have alot of her life together. However, after reading this memoir, I realize that she is just an ordinary person who has had her share of stuff (some descended on her and some she created herself).

In this frank and honest memoir, Judd is quite honest about her life and about her role in it. While, at times, she does sound a tad whiny, I also feel as though she seems to have gained a lot of wisdom through her own experiences and through the rehab that has followed.

In fact, you can actually feel this growth as you read her book - you can see it in the writing and in the advancement and telling of her story.

It is truly amazing to me that a woman who looked like she had it all could feel the way that she did/does. It goes to show you that you can never really know what someone else it really going through just by looking at them.

The family dynamics she talks about are raw and honest and I love the fact that she is honest about the role that she has played in her own struggles.

The writing is engaging, for the most part, although I did find that this book was a bit long and could have been cut, especially the earlier part of the book, a little bit more.

Engaging and engrossing, I loved this memoir.

1 comment:

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I would be interested in reading this one.... like you I think Ashely Judd is pretty amazing.

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