2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

TLC BLOG TOUR STOP for Codependent No More Workbook - Melodie Beattie

Today, I am thrilled to say that Bookshipper is hosting a TLC blog tour stop for the wonderful Melody Beattie.  Anyone who has had to deal with heartache, addiction or any other type of painful situation can attest to how helpful and touching all of Melody Beattie's books are.

TITLE:                 Codependent No More Workbook

AUTHOR:            Melody Beattie

GENRE:                Self-help

RATING:              4 Stars

I am a fan and I was incredibly thrilled to get the opportunity to read and review The Codependent No More Workbook.  I am also a huge fan of workbooks that help me work on myself - to discover who I am, what is working and what is not - and this book is a godsend.

Codependency issues are rampant and when you think about it, most of us do "fit" into this category at some time or another.  While my main issue is with an eating disorder, I have found this book to be extremely useful - especially as it is based on the 12 steps.  I am a big lover of all things 12 steps and frankly, as I read this book, I discovered quite a few ways of looking at them that I had not done previously.  Love that!

The book is very well set out - with a description of the particular step, then some activities for you to complete.

I haven't worked my way through the entire workbook yet as I do try to work on only 1 step at a time in order to clearly absorb the information, but I can tell you that this book will help ANYONE who wants to work on who they are.

1 comment:

Rose Maria said...

o-dependency is a learned behavior that can be passed down from one generation to another. It is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship.
personal life coach

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