2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

REVIEW for Click: An Online Love Story

Thank you so much to author Lisa Becker for sending me this great chick lit!

TITLE:                          Click  An Online Love Story

AUTHOR:                    Lisa Becker

GENRE:                       Chick Lit

RATING:                     4 Stars

I am a huge lover of chick lit and once in a very, very long while, I discover a chick lit book that I somehow overlooked and this is exactly what happened with Click: An Online Love Story.

Firstly, I was a tad hesitant because of the format - this entire novel is "told" in emails which is a tactic that was employed in another series of chick lit novels which, for some reason, left me cold.

Having said that however, I absolutely loved it with this novel. I think it all depends on the contents of the emails, but also on the construction of the characters (relationships) as well as the writing. Fortunately, Click is extremely well written. Very down to earth writing, which all women can easily identify with. Of course, the subject matter - online dating is extremely topical AND is a subject matter/field that is loaded with possibilities for both the author and the reader.

This book is entertaining and fun and the characters are, for the most part, likeable and living everyone's fears - finding the right person. I thought that all of the characters were very relatable except for Shelley who felt a little too much "over the top for me". I did like the little twist that can be found towards the end of the novel and frankly, the main character does not end up with the guy I would have hoped for!

Loved, loved this one.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ok this sounds familiar, I think I have heard of this book and maybe read a review somewhere else.
Does sound interesting.

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