2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, July 22, 2011

IN MY MAILBOX - Week Ending July 23, 2011

Because I have so few books "waiting for me", I bit the bullet and decided to go to Chapters to see what they might have in stock.  Usually, I leave there pretty empty handed as I find that I can find better deals and a way larger selection at Book Depository or Abe Books, but I did find two books AND a CD - surprise, surprise. 

I am also listing the others books that have come into my home this week via a very, very slow Canada Post.

From Chapters Bookstore:

  • It Started with a Dare by Lindsay Faith Reich (I have already read this one, but it was very good so I decided to re-read it);
  • Threat Warning by John Gilstrap (I have heard good things about him so I am giving this one a shot).
  • Buddha-Lounge CD (I love these, but they are expensive!  However, Chapters is closing out its CD section so all their CDS were at $1.00.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much left to choose from, but I am thrilled to have gotten this one.
From Abe books:

  • OYMG by Amy Fellner Dominy;
  • Pregnant Pause by Han Nolan;
  • Hooked by Catherine Greenman (I thought, for sure, this one had been lost in the mail!);
  • Why I like Singlehood by Elisa Lorello and Sarah Girrell
From the Publisher (for review):

  • L.A. Mental by Neal McMahon (for review);
  • The Summer we Came to Life by Deborah Cloyed (for review);
  • Crush by Andrea N. Richesin (for review);


bermudaonion said...

It looks like you have plenty of good books to keep you busy.

avisannschild said...

Glad to see that Hooked by Catherine Greenman finally made it to you! And yay for CDs for $1! (I missed out on that deal.) Enjoy all your new books!

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