2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

REVIEW for Falling for Me

Thank you to the wonderful Harper Collins Canada for so kindly (and quickly!) sending this book to me!

TITLE:               Falling for Me

AUTHOR:         Anna David

GENRE:            Self-Help/Memoir

RATING:          4 Stars

For more information on this book, please visit the publisher's website at:


I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this book because I had a bit of a worry that it might be 'one of those' - you know the kind - where you have to stand on your head and spit out nickles in order to be the person that 'you want to be'.

Instead, I found a heartwarming and highly enjoyable story of one woman's quest to figure out what the heck is going on and, more importantly, what the heck she is doing wrong since she is, for the most part, nowhere near where she would to be.

I loved the story from the opening lines - as the trigger for David's instrospection is brought on by the desire to be with a married man. Loved, loved that this was the trigger as there seems to be so many married men running after single women (and, I am sure the other way around as well).

The author discovers, by chance or by destiny (you decide) a book written by Helen Gurley Brown - in the 'old days' and makes a commmitment to honor Brown's suggestions on how to be a single woman!

Of course, what follows is a story of hit ans misses with some truly funny moments and some less funny ones. Throughout it all, however, you feel connected to the author who struggles to find the logic and the direction through some life lessons that can only be called painful at times.

The story is told in a down to earth and honest manner and the author does not shy away from taking us into her confidence.

I loved, loved this book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I'm glad to see this is so good! I just love memoirs!

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