2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

REVIEW for George & Hilly

Thank you to the wonderful Simon & Schuster for sending me this book.

TITLE:                   George & Hilly, The Anatomy of a Relationship

AUTHOR:              George Gurley

GENRE:                 Memoir

RATING:                4 Stars

Okay, I have to say that I loved this book for so many reasons.  Firstly, I loved the cover, it made me smile as I thought it was colorful and cute (it reminded me of a chick lit cover).

Secondly, I am a middle aged woman and I know how difficult it is to get into a relationship with someone who also has their own set of baggage (something I did not really have to confront when I was in my 20's).

I also loved the first first chapter of this book where George is on his way to the therapist, although he has no clue how or why he is doing it as he "does not want to get married".  This is just so typical of how guys think that I was hooked.

The entire book is a memoir and takes a closer look at George and Hilly's relationship who spend a lot of time dissecting their wants and needs, with the help of a therapist and we get to ride along for the entire trip.

I felt a bit like a voyeur and I loved it. I can't tell you how many times I thought "yep, that has happened to me" or "yes, I think like that".  Funny, realistic and a tad scary, this book is a must read for anyone who has ever wondered about a relationship and their role in it.

Loved, loved it.

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