2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, March 12, 2012

REVIEW for Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters

Thank you, thank you to author Meredith Zeitlin for so kindly sending me a copy of her book.

TITLE:           Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters

AUTHOR:     Meredith Zeitlin

GENRE:        YA

RATING:      4 Stars

First of all, I have to say that I loved the cover - not sure why, but I found it perfect for the storyline.

Now, for the book itself.  I loved it.  This is exactly the type of YA that I adore reading.  We meet our main character Kelsey who has decided that this school year is going "to be the one".  She is going to re invente herself to become THAT person - the one that everyone loves, especially her crush since birth.

Of course,  life gets in the way and what follows is a hilariously touching story about Kelsey trying to "fit" her life into what she thinks it should be, all the while realizing that will is about what you make it and embracing who you are - for your own sake.  Life lessons abound, but the author has incorporated them in a beautiful story that made reading this book a true joy.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hey Tina 0- have you ever read Portia de Rossi's book - "Unbearable Lightness" about her struggles with anorexia? It it an excellent book! Come read my review and I am doing a giveaway if you haven't read it.

Tina said...

Hi: Yes, I did read it and LOVED it. It was so touching and very, very intense. I remember thinking that this book was actually like none I had ever read on the subject. I am heading over to your site to read your review now :)

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