2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

REVIEW for Chocolate Shoes and Wedding Blues

A huge thank you to the wonderful people at AVON Books in the UK for sending me this book to read and review!  Love me some Brit chick lit!

TITLE:                    Chocolate Shoes and Wedding Blues (great, great title)

AUTHOR:               Trisha Ashley

GENRE:                  Chick Lit


First, I must comment on the absolutely deliciously sounding title of this book.  I just wanted to delve into the storyline!

I have read all of Trisha Ashley’s books and I have loved them.  I always feel so optimistic and happy when I read one of her novels.  They are definitely Brit chick lit (still think that the Brits have THE best chick lit) and I thought the premise of this book was wonderful.  What is life really like behind the scenes of a Wedding Shop – but not just any old wedding shop, but rather, one that sells wedding shoes (even those made of chocolate…..).

Tansy is a fun character and I felt, at times, as though I was right there in her shop, meeting the whimsical clients and living in Sticklepond (which, by the way, is as far away from Montreal as you can get (in more ways than one).  I have to admit that, as I grow older (just a tad) I find myself longing for a sense of community, but also quiet and peace and certainly Sticklepond sounds like a heaven!

While my favorite scenes where the ones that took place within the shop, I loved the stories that unfolded with Tansy’s personal life – which she somehow can’t seem to get right.  I seriously wondered, at times, if Tansy was destined to always be the one selling the wedding shoes – instead of wearing them.

Loved, loved this charming story – I felt as though I wanted to snuggle up next to a fire, with a cup of tea and devour the book from cover to cover.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

This book sounds really cute! I normally do not like Brit Lit. but I might make and exception for this one.

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