2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, June 29, 2012

REVIEW for The Last Trade

A huge thank you to the people at Dutton Books for sending me this ebook!

TITLE:                  The Last Trade

AUTHOR:             James Conway

GENRE:                Financial Thriller


I love reading a good financial thriller, unfortunately, there are precious few being printed (in my opinion).  On the other hand, one of the (very few) good things about the economic downturn we had to live through is that it gave authors some great material to work with.

Having said all of this, when I was asked to read The Last Trade, I was psyched and this book did not let me down.  WOW!   The thrill ride that we are given is basically non stop and I loved, loved it.

From the very first paragraph, we get a very good idea of just how out of control these brokers are – and just how crazy the jet set life can really be.  I could not help wondering how many ‘real life’ brokers use to live like this until the market collapsed.  Of course, after reading this book, I kept asking myself ‘is it any wonder that the market DID collapse if these are the people who were in charge of it?”

Of course, a thriller would not be a thriller without a killer and I loved that the main target happens to be the boy genius who made all these brokers rich in the first place.  Drew Havens who is responsible for creating a financial model that made a killing (no pun intended) on the market, while everyone else’s world was collapsing, is now being hunted (poetic justice?) and what follows is a masterful telling, all the while using the world of high finance as its background.

I must admit that, in some instances, I was confused about some of the more ‘technical’ aspects of the industry, but overall, this story is so entertaining and a bit shocking that I found myself just glossing over the parts that I could not understand in an attempt to get to ‘what comes next’.

A word about the cover - I loved it, although I was reading an ebook - which seriously limits the lure of any covers, I thought this one was perfect for the story.

I highly recommend this one and I look forward to more from this author.

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