2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, July 30, 2012


THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to the wonderful Lara Zielin for sending me her newest book to read and review!

TITLE:             The Waiting Sky

AUTHOR:         Lara Zielin

GENRE:                   YA


I love, love anything Lara Zielin has written, especially her previous novel the Implosion of Aggie Winchester – which I have re-read at least 3 times since it was published.

I was therefore thrilled to discover Lara’s third novel, The Waiting Sky.  As soon as I saw the cover and the synopsis, I knew that this book was going to be drastically different from Donut Days and Aggie Winchester and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Thanks to Zielin’s talent as a writer, The Waiting Sky took my breath away.  For those who read my reviews, I don’t often say that about a book, but this one deserves it.  Zielin took a very difficult subject, alcoholism, and turned it on its ear, clearly showing us, without any ‘cutesy’ ploys just how devastating it can be to the person drinking, but also to the loved ones.

Yes, this book is much darker than the previous books (although I also made that comment about Aggie…).  In fact our main character Jane finds herself, as a young adult, having to deal with some tough decisions and opting to follow her brother who ‘chases’ tornadoes.

I guess the tornado aspect was a little lost on me.  I live in an area where tornadoes are not really an issue, so while it was interesting for me to learn more on the subject, I can’t say that I am particularly fascinated with them.  What worked, however, was the relationship between Jane and those tornadoes – where I was reminded of how difficult and tormented her life is at home and on the road.  The tornado felt like a metaphor to me for the bigger life experiences.

The writing is absolutely wonderful and the storyline can be and is often heartbreaking, but it is a deeply moving book.

Having said that, however, I MUST admit that Aggie Winchester still remains my favorite book.  While The Waiting Sky clearly shows that Zielin continues to grow as a writer, there was something about the more whimsical and, at times, funny Aggie that stuck with me.

If you are looking for a rich and touching book then The Waiting Sky is definitely for you.


Wall-to-wall books said...

The cover is really cool! I have never read her books. looks good!

bermudaonion said...

I love that this book deals with issues. I've lived where tornadoes are a problem so I could relate to that part of the book.

Free Download Ebook said...

I really have to read this book. It really appealed to me.

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