2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yesterday, I met with awesome blogger and friend Cindy of http://cindysloveofbooks.blogspot.ca/ for our monthly breakfast chit chat and it was, as always, great!

Its always amazing to me how quickly the time goes by when we start talking and yesterday was no exception.

I was also lucky enough to get some great goodies from Cindy, who is always extremely generous.

As well, Cindy's generous ways have rubbed off on her son Michael who is so sweet and often sends along little gifts for me.

Since this week was my birthday (don't ask how old I am as I am in denial about the actual number) but Michael sent along a cute Hello Kitty to add to my collection.  Cindy also gave me some wonderful beauty products including nail polish that I love (I am already wearing it).  I also received my usual ton of US and People magazines!!!

So, once again, thank you Cindy and I am looking forward to seeing you next month LOL


bermudaonion said...

I wish I had a blogger to get together with from time to time!

Unknown said...

TINAAA it was your birthday this week!?!?!! Happy belated birthday huN!!!! It's been so long! we must hang out soon! I'm up to my knees in university school work but we will figure out a day soon, promise!

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