2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, November 26, 2012

REVIEW for Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Married

Thank you to the publishers for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:               Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Married

AUTHOR:         Heather McElhatton

GENRE:            Fiction


I read this book because I love chick lit and well, I thought this would be a cute storyline - especially since I knew that the previous book was about being sick of being single - now, discovering that you are sick of being married priceless.

Except this book was more about being sick of everything and everyone.  Some of the writing was hilarious but i have to say that I found the main character tedious - she basically did not like anything about anyone or anywhere and was not shy about complaining about it.

It starts with the fact that she discovers that she is honeymooning at a resort that is "Christian" oriented, i.e. no booze or anything else that would be considered "sinful" and kind of goes downhill from there.  This could have made for some truly funny moments (which is what I was hoping for) - except that the main character kind of just becomes downright mean and judgmental.  Having said this, I would have hated being in this type of situation myself, but I hate to think that I would have started being horribly mean about it all - I mean you can live without booze for a week!!!!  On and on it goes in this manner, whereas nothing is ever good enough.

I think the author might have been trying to go for laughs here but missed the mark somewhat.

This book is not horrible, in fact I liked the writing style for the most part, I just did not particularly care for the tone I guess.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

There's nothing worse than an annoying main character.

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