2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

REVIEW for Take Care of Your Debt Do it Yourself

Thank you to the Cadence Group http://www.thecadencegrp.com  for sending me this book.

TITLE:                    Take Care of your Debt Do It Yourself

AUTHOR:               Victor W. Luke

GENRE:                   Personal Finance


Let's face it, finances can be stressful and the more informed you can get about them, the better you will be. With this premise in mind, I am an avid reader of all things related to personal finance and, more specifically, how to make sure you keep your head above water and, if you are lucky, actually have a few dollars left over at the end of the month.

This is why I was thrilled when I was offered this book to read - another hopefully little 'gem' of a book to add to my collection.

While Take Care of Your Debt is not horrible, I do not feel as though this book was written for the average lay person who is struggling with debt. In fact, based on the contents of this book, I am not sure the author really knew who his target audience should have been.

At times, it felt as though the writing was aimed at the layperson, then all of a sudden the tone and content would basically quickly switch to one directed at more 'corporate' type issues, then suddenly veered into almost a bit of self promoting for the author and his own agenda.

There were a few interesting aspects to this book, specifically how to deal with creditors - but unfortunately, there wasn't much else of interest.

1 comment:

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Too bad this didn't meet your expectations. A good finance book that I read not too long ago is 7 Money Rules for Life by Mary Hunt. Also, I hope you stop by my blog today, I have an excited interview posted. Thanks!

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