2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


TITLE:           White Out
AUTHOR:       Michael W. Clune
GENRE:         Memoir

As most of my blog readers will attest, I have read my share of addiction memoirs as this is a subject that has been and continues to be very close to my heart.  This is why, I was quite excited to read White Out The Secret Life of Heroin.

Firstly, drug addiction scares me – actually, all addictions scare the hell out of me, but, for some reason, addiction to heroin has always seem particularly cruel and what touched me most about this memoir was that I really hurt for Clune. 

While it is very true that this memoir is incredibly hard to read and, in fact, I found myself having to put the book down on several occasions just to take a breath – it is also true that Clune does not shy away from the dark, gritty truth that was his world

I found myself cringing so many times and while I would love to say that I found the whole story inspiring, I admit that, most of the times, I found it incredibly hard, dark and scary – very scary.

At the same time, you could see glimpses of Clune – despite the horrific world that he lived in – definitely.

Still, Clune peppers his memoir with little nuggets that each and every addict (in recovery or not) can definitely identify with – I could especially relate when he describes how his memory would ‘conveniently’ forget all the bad his drug of choice caused him –  making it feel as though he was always doing it for the first time.  This is obviously a paraphrase and the author says it much better, but  these are the types of observations that are spot on and, in the end, make this a very compelling book to read.


bermudaonion said...

Books like this can be hard to stomach but I'm drawn to them for some reason.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

"very scary" is certainly an excellent description for heroin addiction.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review this book for the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

guiltlessreader said...

I decided not to read this for the very reason it seemed scary. The Bel Jar really affected me and I suspect that's pretty mild compared to this! (i'm such a wimp ;p)

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