2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

REVIEW for Bones of the Lost

Thank you to Edelweiss for sending me an e-galley of this book.

TITLE:                  Bones of the Lost

AUTHOR:            Kathy Reichs

GENRE:               Thriller


I have read all of Reichs books with varying degrees of enjoyment. Fortunately, Bones of the Lost is actually pretty good. Why? I have come to figure out that what works for me, when it comes to this series, is to have Tempe stay close to home - whether that is her US home or her Canadian home.

 Actually, I prefer when she stays in the US because sometimes her references to Montreal (especially when she uses French words) make me want to scream - as they are simply often wrong (I am a bilingual Montrealer so I should know this). But I digress.

This novel is mainly set in the US, with the exception of a little detour in Afghanistan which, although was actually a fun interlude to read, kind of felt a bit rushed and far fetched. However, this novel is strong on relationships and I loved the detailed accounts of Tempe with her ex, her daughter and even cranky Sliddell. 

Of course, I love when she writes about her cat Birdie - always funny! and Ryan was barely mentioned in this one - thankfully! 

The writing is, as always, down to earth and easy to read. Reichs tends to give way too many geographical details, but she was pretty good in this one. As for the action - well, the plot is a tad convoluted with many players, so you need to pay attention, but it was entertaining and kept me engaged.

 Overall, I liked this one.


cindysloveofbooks said...

I have found her books to be a little hit or miss with me and haven't read any recently. I actually think I stopped at Bare Bones. I am hoping to get back into reading them.

Susan said...

I love Kathy Reichs and Tempe Brennan. I agree that some of the books are better than others, but it's still one of my favorite adult series. And how interesting that Reichs gets Montreal details wrong -- I'm pretty sure she lives in that city half of the time, just like Tempe. I've never been there, so I wouldn't know ...

Thanks for the review!

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