2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

REVIEW for Beyond Crazy

The wonderful people at James Lorimer Company offered me an e-galley of this book.  Thank you!

TITLE:        Beyond Crazy

AUTHOR:   Deb Loughead



This is a very quick read - got through it in one day, however, the book was engaging and kept me reading to the last line.

Stelle feels as though her entire family and life has gone off the rails and she is basically trying to keep it all together while going to high school and setting up a band.  Her mother is depressed and may be way too attached to things, her day and stepmother are having a baby and she is trying to get her dream of a band into a reality.  

This book is sweet and touching. I love that the main character is not some wise smacking kid who hates everyone and everybody, in fact, I would love to have a child like Stelle.  She is responsible, cares about people other than herself and is dedicated to her music.

Stelle is a character that I found myself cheering for and hoping for.  I wanted to see her succeed and have an easier life and this is thanks to the author who has done a fine job of telling us and showing us just how kind she is to the people around her.

As always, I find these books way too short, but I truly enjoyed the warmth this story gave me. 

A winner.

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