2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Review of a Kindle Cover

A few months ago, I was asked to review this Kindle cover. 

I was thrilled for many reasons, including the fact that FINALLY, Canadians are being asked to review products.

If you would like to find out more about these great Kindle protectors, you can find them on Amazon.ca at:


In the meantime, here is my review.

I purchased a Kindle protector a few years ago but after a little while, I got fed up with it. Fortunately, I discovered this envelope case cover and I really like it.

Its very lightweight, but lighter than my previous case, but my Kindle is completely protected. I also love how it basically fits into this case like an envelope, literally, which means that pulling in and out is a breeze. There is an enclosure at the top to make sure that it stays securely inside the pouch.

Interestingly, when I feel the fabric it feels light and airy, but I actually dropped my Kindle last week, while it was in the protector and my Kindle never even moved inside - which makes me feel very secure.

I absolutely love this item and I am glad that I discovered it. My only slight negative - I wish it came in different colors. Otherwise, this is a must buy.


cindysloveofbooks said...

I agree it is nice to finally get asked to do product reviews..It looks like a cute cover and happy you liked it

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh its really cute!
Nice review!

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