2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

REVIEW for Hope To die

TITLE:              Hope to Die

AUTHOR:         James Patterson

GENRE:           Thriller


** spoiler alert ** I have read all of Patterson's Alex Cross books and, for the most part, have truly loved them. I just love Alex Cross, which is why I was so happy to read this one. I consider my once a year Alex Cross books as a huge treat.

Unfortunately, this one left me "meh". While its not horrible, its fairly boring focusing solely on Cross trying to save his family (left off from the previous book).

What works, for me, when it comes to Alex Cross is that he can be incredibly analytical and its a treat to read his exploits as he follows the clues and tracks his prey - they never stand a chance. Except that in this one, Cross is reduced to reacting instead of planning and using his intelligence. I don't like that Alex Cross.

Additionally, this book pushes a little too much when it comes to certain things - at times, its just not credible, especially the scene when he has to "rescue" himself. There is almost no mention or presence from Sampson and everything is about his family, which I find tedious even when the story is great (which it is not here).

Finally and this is MY BIGGEST beef with this one - Patterson uses silly ploys to lure his readers and then, chooses to PLAY IT VERY, VERY SAFE. This book could have had a saving grace - the author could have taken a chance and really done something daring which would have moved the story forward greatly for this book and for the others which will follow - except he went and played it safe - what a bore and a total let down.

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