2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

REVIEW for Out of It

Thank you to the people at James Lorimer Company for auto approving me on Net Galley.

TITLE:             Out of It

AUTHOR:        Michelle Kadarusman

GENRE:            YA


I have read many, many books published by James Lorimer & Company and they have all been great reads.

The Sidestreets series publishes wonderful books featuring YA and current social issues that are always spot on and Out of It is another example of how incredibly important it is to print these types of books in today's world.

Author Kadarusman writes about two best friends that share everything until one of them decides to explore her inner demons by drinking, doing drugs and getting herself into a situation that she cannot get herself out of. The characters of Lacey and Suri are actually very well fleshed out, considering how short this book is.

I found the story compelling and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what happens to both of them. I liked that this is not your typical "mean girl" story, in fact the direction the author chose to take with this friendship was refreshing and honest. I found myself rooting for both of these girls who each have their demons to fight.

I also loved the fact that the love story (of sorts) is NOT the main focus of this book, but rather its about two young girls who find out that they are truly there for each other no matter what.

Loved it.

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