2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

REVIEW for Gorge

I was lucky enough to read this book through Net Galley.

TITLE:        Gorge

AUTHOR:   Kara Richardson Whitely

GENRE:      Memoir


My short review would be I LOVED THIS BOOK.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this one but I was captivated by the blurb and wanted to know more.

Sure, I can honestly say that I have never had any burning desire to hike up the Kilmanjaro but I was fascinated by the premise that a woman weighing 300 lbs could do it (or even wanted to do it).

What followed was an absolutely amazing and inspiring story of Kara who faced both her body issues and her fears about what lay ahead on her journey.

This book worked so well for me because it represents Kara's connection with the mountain and her weight issues. Throughout the book you can feel that often what Kara was feeling or thinking could easily be applied to both her trek and her life at the same time - the juxtaposition of both - the reality of an overweight woman daring to tackle such a huge task, while at the same time not managing to put down the candy was a fascinating and EXTREMELY TRUE look at what food addiction is.

I loved, loved this story and felt for Kara every painful step of the way.

I also loved how Kara does not preach or tell us that she found a miracle by attempting this trek. Rather it is about a woman and her feelings and thoughts as she tries to do something that has always been a dream.

I cannot say enough good things about this book and kudos to the title - this is an inspiring read for anyone, but especially for women who think food addiction means the end of your life.


bermudaonion said...

Oh man, I bet I'd love that book too. It sounds inspiring.

Unknown said...

You've read a lot of books that sound really good lately!

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