2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

REVIEW for The Revenge by Hannah Jayne

Thank you to Sourcebooks for sending me an electronic version of this book.

TITLE:            The Revenge

AUTHOR:      Hannah Jayne

GENRE:          YA


If you can suspend your disbelief, then this book is actually quite entertaining and shines a light on an interesting subject matter, at least to me, which is the self entitled attitude that seems to be so prevalent in teens and YA.

Of course, this book is more about "suspense" then a look at today's generation, but it says a lot about how many YA's think today.

Having said that, I doubt the author was really thinking about this while crafting this story.  She did manage to create two very different main characters - neither are particularly likable and I especially did not like Tony who was, let's just say it, a dumb character.  What would you do if you found your ex girlfriend's cell, on the night she disappears?  of course, stash it in your car (dumb move number 1) and keep calling it in the hopes that Hope will answer (really???? dumb move number 2) and then spend the entire time walking around like a zombie, pretending that life has not changed and make sure to never actually finish one sentence you start and I mean NEVER finish a thought or a sentence.  This guy was making so many dumb moves that I doubt anyone would feel bad for him.

On the other hand, he had a point about Hope and HER motivation, which involves being a self entitled brat, who doesn't think further than her nose (maybe people might be pissed at your dumb move?).....

There are a few interesting turns in this story and those are what actually made this book interesting and a fun read for me.  The writing is fine and while I would have loved  a more in depth look at the "whys" in this book (or at least a better understanding of the main characters), I finished this one in a few days and was happy to have read it.

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