2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, May 20, 2022

BOOK REVIEW for Two Truths and a Lie by April Henry


A huge thank you to Christy Ottaviano Books for sending me this e-book to read and review.

Release date::  May 24, 2022

TITLE:              Two Truths and a Lie

AUTHOR:        April Henry

GENRE:          Thriller YA

RATING:         4 stars

I literally finished this book in two settings.  Admittedly, it is not very big and I could have used a lot more story.

This book has everything I ADORE in a thriller.  Snowstorm, rundown motel, plenty of teens and a whodunit that had me guessing.

All of these pieces fit perfectly into an engrossing plot.  Loved how creepy the whole thing felt, although I will admit, the author could have described the snowstorm and the wind a bit more, especially at the beginning of the book.

Still, we find young adults that find themselves in the same motel - all stranded with nowhere to go and only a few adults to supervise.  Things quickly fall a part when someone suggests pulling out that Ouija Board.  That part freaked me out because I sort of believe in the power of the Ouija Board (I know, I am silly)and refuse to even have it in my house.  Certainly never played it with my friends, who were equally suspicious of its power.

As it turns out, nothing supernatural what happening at the motel and through many, many clues, Nell and Adam, the two leads end up having to deal with very real things such as gas leaks, people getting attacked by cougars and a huge surprise in the back of Brian's truck, parked in the parking lot of the hotel.

I did go through several "oh, I know who did it" only to realize that I did not.  Plot is well paced and crafted and all of the loose ends get tied off by the end.

Writing is on point and doesn't drag the story down with too many useless details.

Two points.  As mentioned above, I could have used more description about the weather, making it even more creepy.  Also, there are A LOT of characters in this story and had to keep going back to figure out who was who - especially in the beginning of the book.

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