2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


TITLE: The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street

AUTHOR: Helene Hanff


GENRE: Memoir


I don't re-read my books - that's right, I read them once and I either give them away, donate them or raffle them off. However, I have made exceptions to this rule with ANYTHING written by Helene Hanff.

I first discovered Hanff when she wrote the wonderful 84, Charring Cross Road (another book I read over and over). I then proceeded to read everything she ever wrote including The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street.

Written in journal format, Hanf recalls her experiences whe she "finally" gets to vist England, the only country she had ever wanted to visit. This book is a "sort of" follow up to 84, Charing Cross Road. but can be read as a stand alone (although I STRONGLY suggest you read 84, Charing Cross Road).

This book is so touching (especially when she remembers Frank). I also loved this book because you can feel Helene's personality come through. Although she was a writer, she was down to earth and basically always poor - this England trip is a treat for her and you can feel how grateful she is to finally be where she has always wanted to be.

I get a kick out of how she enjoys people so much and basically accepts all meal invitations, even from strangers, (which leaves her more money to spend on extra days in England) without a second thought.

I can't quite describe the feeling of whimsy that I get when I read this book - so I encourage everyone to buy or pick up this book and get reading - you will get addicted.

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