2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

TUESDAY THINGERS for May 20, 2008

Our fellow blogger http://www.bostonbibliophile.com/ hosts a weekly question, so be sure to visit her site.

This week's question:

This week's topic: Discussion groups. Do you belong to any (besides Early Reviewers)? Approximately how many? Are there any in particular that you participate in more avidly? How often do you check?

I spend way too much time on Librarything. I love the Early Reviewers and also visit the mooching sites. I also like the Barnes and Nobles site for book groups.


Anonymous said...

I've been trying to spend more time at Library Thing. This is really helping. :)

Anonymous said...

I also spend way too much time on LT.. there should be a group for us ALTUA- Addicted Librarything Users Anonymous :)

Jacquie L Reaville said...

I time myself now when I click on LT, I won't spend longer than 30 minutes on the site, except if I'm actually adding books or tagging, but even then I'll make sure I only stay for two hours at the most. Too much like an addiction.

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