2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, August 15, 2008

REVIEW for Eating For Energy

TITLE: Eating for Energy

AUTHOR: Yuri Elkaim

Author link: http://www.totalwellnessconsulting.ca/

Publisher link: http://www.lulu.com/

DATE: 2007

I received this book from MiniBookExpo.com.

I have an eating disorder and I have, therefore, read many books on nutrition. This is one of the best books I have discovered on the subject. Author Yuri Elkaim also encourages us to discover the world of plant-based whole foods, which I will admit, I had considered in the past, but felt somewhat intimidated about. It occured to me that we know precious little about these foods and this is the premise of this book.

This book does not discuss the virtues of hamburgers and hot dogs - rather Elkaim takes a look at some of the healthiest (yet unknown) foods out there, including foods such as quinoa and flax seed. These are names that I have heard floating around for several years now, but I never really knew all that much about them.

There are quite a few sections in this book which include a detailed look at the nutritional value of certain foods -including their medical benefits. There is also a great recipe section, which, from the look of the recipes, will render some quick and tasty meals - although I must admit that for a novice, some of the ingredients seemed a bit daunting. I loved the smoothie section - which gave me some new ideas.

You will also find a 12 week meal plan that will help you feel better, lose weight and prevent disease. The section on exercise was interesting but there was really nothing new to learn there.

This is a no-nonsense guide, written by someone who has been there. I loved the way this book is easy to read and makes perfect sense. I do believe that better nutrition is the key to health and that somewhere along the line, we lost our way when it comes to eating well. This book is a great booster to get you motivated and moving in the right direction.

I loved it.

1 comment:

Melwyk said...

Hey Tina - I got this book from MBE as well! I really liked it, and have you checked out his website? Wow.

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