2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

REVIEW for Exposed

TITLE: Exposed A Memoir

AUTHOR: Claire Lewis
DATE: 2008

RATING: 4 Stars

I received this book through the kindness of the author, Claire Lewis. Thank you Claire!!!!

I am a huge fan of any book titled Confessions - unfortunately, they are not always good. This, is NOT the case with this book.

Claire Lewis is a professional photographer and she exposes, in this wonderfully funny memoir some of the "weirder" sides of the profession. Specifically, the dishes on what it is like to be a wedding photographer.

I have never been married to I have never been the bride from hell - but apparently, there are lots of women who turn into these she-devils when it comes to their weddings. Although Claire never comes right out and says it, some of the women are nuts and it is with glee that Claire details for us, all the yummy details and it is with MUCH glee, that we read all about it.

Some of the stories told in this book were sad - I cried when I read the story of little Hannah - and I laughed at how silly the underwear bride was.

Lewis also added an extra touch to this memoir by intertwining her own life story in between those of the brides she photographs. It was very cool to read about her love at first sight story (I wonder what kind of bride she was?). I also thoroughly enjoyed reading all about Sarah- who appears to be Claire's exact opposite.

I felt as though I was getting a secret glimpse into a secret world - it is obvious that most people seem to forget that the wedding photographer is actually in the room and witness to some of the bridal tirades - hum! note to self - remember to be kind to the photographer - they can make you look fat AND write a memoir about how crazy you are!!!

I loved this book - Claire writes in such a funny and yet poignant manner at the same time. I was sorry to see the end of this book. My only complaint? Where are some of her photogprahs? Although each chapter opens with a grainy black and white picture - I was hoping for more. Personally, I would have loved to see that little picture of Hannah.

This is a terrific read.


Library Cat said...

I am reading an ARC Confessions of a Contractor and it has some rather funny moments - all from the male perspective. I will be reviewing it shortly at LibrarysCat Book Blog.

Cheryl said...

I will have to check this book out. I have not read many memoirs but this one sounds good

Serena said...

This sounds like a fantastic read! I just wanted to stop by and say that I tagged you here:


Don't feel obligated to participate though.

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