2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 39 books.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

REVIEW for Notes from the Backseat and BOOK CONTEST

PLEASE NOTE THAT I WILL BE GIVING THIS BOOK AS A BOOK GIVEAWAY. To enter just leave a comment on this blog entry (make sure I have a way of reaching you). Contest open to all and will end on August 29th at 6:00 p.m.

TITLE: Notes from the Backseat

AUTHOR: Jody Gehrman

GENRE: Chick Lit (A Red Dress Ink)

DATE: 2008

RATING: 4 stars

I received this book from Red Dress Ink! Thank you Adam!

I love chick lit. I am proud of it and Red Dress Ink has always been a favorite of mine - they cater to my addiction :)

I had never read anything by Jody Gehrman, but I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read the book Notes from the Backseat. I was not disappointed.

Gwen has always had it all together - even at that ackward period in high school. Gwen and Marla met in school and have been best friends ever since, being there for each other through the ups and downs of their lives. Although both are now adults and leading different lives, they are still the best of friends and rely heavily on each other for support.

Gwen has finally met a wonderful man and she is crazy about him. He appears to be feel the same way about her - except that Gwen has this abnormal fear of being abandoned (which is why she has always ended every of her previous relationships) and now is convinced that Coop will leave her for his best female friend - Dannika. I mean, why wouldn't he? Dannika is blonde and gorgeous and seems to have her sights on Coop. Gwen is going into hyper mode - not knowing how to deal with this - after all, this is the man she loves and wants to marry. Should she bail first?

Marla, on her side, is heading for Paris and is now torn between helping her friend throught this and living her own life. So Gwen and Marla decide on a diary that Gwen will write while on a weekend (from hell?) road trip with Coop and the horrid Dannika.

I have to say that the premise of this book made my blood boil. I knew exactly how Gwen must have felt and I was immediately rooting for her. Why was Coop totally incapable of seeing how difficult it must have been for Gwen to be anywhere near Dannika - and of course Dannika was not helping the situation!!!!

I could not stop reading once I started. I loved the diary entries Gwen wrote. It was interesting to me that the girl who looked like she had it all together on the outside could write such insecure and sad words on paper.

I also liked the two dimensional view of the same diary entry - that is Marla's view upon reading the entry and Gwen's view when she wrote it. It clearly showed how insecure Gwen was and that maybe when you are in that type of situation - you are not the best judge of what the actualy reality is.

This book is extremely well written, you can feel the friendship of both girls intensely - even throughout the miles.

Yes, this is a book about "finding the one" but I thought there were deeper messages of friendship and of believing in yourself no matter what.

I loved this book - another Red Dress Ink winner.


Yan said...

I would absolutely love to win this book. It sounds lovely judging by your review.


S. Krishna said...

I'd love to be entered to win! I'm about to dive into a Red Dress Ink book myself, the new Melisa Senate.

Chesh said...

I would love a chance to win this book. It sounds cute and funny, plus in your review, you make it sound really good.

Dana said...

sounds good!

Allison said...

Enter me plzzzz!!

allisonsattic at gmail.com

Wall-to-wall books said...

I would like to be entered in this contest.

I have just recently gotten interested in Chick-lit, and have only read a few, but I am lovin' it!


Unknown said...

Enter me, please! I've never read anything from Red Dress Ink before and this book sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know I can't pass up a chance to get a book you have read and loved!

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

I am a huge fan of Red Dress Ink, please enter me into your giveaway.
I have also blogged about it here.

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

Would love to read this!
Thanks for an entry.
littleminx at cox dot net

Unknown said...

your review is really good hope to win this book!

lc_intocable at yahoo.com

SCC said...

Me...me.....pick meeeee! = )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
'Red Dress Ink' has always been my favourite. But there are like 5 Red Dress Ink books in the book store where I live and I have them all :)

Nice review bu the way...

Renee G said...

I'd love to read this.

rsgrandinetti (at) yahoo. com

Bunny B said...

Sounds like a good read! I'd love to win! Please count me in! Thank you.

bunnybx at gmail . com

kamewh said...

I would love to be entered! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this awesome book. Sounds like a great read.

Jessica Gottlieb said...

Ooh, I'd love to win this book.

plhill2000 said...

Sounds like a book I would love to read.

Anonymous said...

looks like my kind of read

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having this giveaway - the book sounds great! And I posted a link on my blog about your giveaway: http://trishtheconqueror.wordpress.com/2008/08/25/more-book-giveaway-links/
trishtheconqueror at hotmail dot com

judybrittle said...

It sounds really good. Please enter me. Thank you so much!

photoquest said...

This sounds like a awesome book! wonderful review you done on it. Please enter me in your contest! photoquest(at)bellsouth(dot)net

Anita Yancey said...

I would love to read this book. Sounds so interesting. Please enter me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win this book. It sounds cute and funny, plus in your review, you make it sound really good.

Thank you.

sweetsue said...

I love diaries and this sounds like a fun story!

Anonymous said...

Wow...this book looks neat!

llkent said...

Sounds like a good read. Please enter me.

pinkcypress said...

You have a great blog! I found it through Melanie's (melsysplace).

I'd love to win this book! I love RDI!!

kaylee8 said...

What a fabulous sounding end-of-summer read!

Annie said...

I'd love to win this. Thanks.

I really like Red Dress Ink books and get every one out from the library that I see!

cindysloveofbooks said...

This book sounds really good. i would love for you to enter me in this drawing please.

Unknown said...

I love red dress ink books! This sounds like a good one thanks for entering me

Teresa690 said...

This sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Wendi said...

Loved your write-up, and would love to be included in the giveaway!

wbarker (at) hotmail.com


Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love book that you can't put down..this sounds really good!


calgirl said...

Notes from the Backseat sounds insightful and funny. I would love to read a new author to me.

nancy said...

What a fun book, please count me in!

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