2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, September 1, 2008

REVIEW for Driving Sideways

TITLE: Driving Sideways
AUTHOR: Jess Riley
DATE: 2008
RATING: 4 Stars

I was asked by the author, Jess Riley, to review this book.

I love Young Adult novels with a message and this book, Driving Sideways, written by Jess Riley rates right up there.First off, I loved the cover - simple - but yet sends the message of a free summer! road trip - just having a great time (ah, the good old days :)

Driving Sideways has a wonderful premise; Leigh has been diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease ( I have to admit that I had never heard of this before) and although it is scary and serious, Leigh managest to get a kidney transplant from a donor who has died. Now, after rehabilitation and the blessing of her doctor, Leigh has decided to take a roadtrip - with a multi purpose, which includes meeting up with an ex-boyfriend, meeting up with her best friend in an attempt to talk some sense into her, meeting up with the family of her kidney donor and meeting up with her mother, who deserted Leigh when she was but a child.
This is definitely a coming of age novel which is absolutely beautifully written. Leigh is an incredibly likeable character who is engaging and extremely fun to read. As you travel, on the road trip alongside of her, you will feel as though you are actually sitting in the car next to her. Author Jess Riley has a knack for describing scenery and situations that make it easy to picture them in your head and Leigh has a knack for getting herself into the strangest situations.
At the end of this novel, Leigh will find some closure and she will also find a level of maturity that she was probably not expecting to find.

I loved, loved this book and I recommend it as a feel good read.


Elizabeth said...

This sounds good - I love YA novels too.

S. Krishna said...

LOVED this one too - I reviewed itt here: http://skrishnasbooks.blogspot.com/2008/07/driving-sideways-jess-riley.html

Bree said...

This is a YA book? Really? I never would have guessed it. I loved this book as well. It's probably my favorite of the year but YA???

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