2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

REVIEW for Dear Neighbor, Drop Dead

TITLE: Dear Neighbor, Drop Dead

AUTHOR: Saralee Rosenberg

DATE: 2008

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING; 4 Stars

I was asked to review this book by the author, Saralee Rosenberg.

When I first saw the title of this book, I wasn't sure what to think? Was this a chick lit murder mystery? a regular chick lit, some kind of paranormal? (I was praying very hard that it was NOT a paranormal as I am not a big fan).

What I actually got with Dear Neighbor, Drop Dead, written by Saralee Rosenberg was an absolutely hilarious semi-chick lit book.

I am not a fan of Desperate Housewives, but I am sure the producers of that show could have taken a few tips from the yoga-loving, catty and delicious Beth. I mean, this one is a seriously scary woman! and newly arrived wife and mom Mindy gets to be her next door neighbor.

While Mindy has illusions of close relationships and shared chummy fat-filled lunches with Beth, it becomes apparent very quickly that Mindy is completely out of her element and that she and Beth have nothing in common. However, as fate often does, it has a plan all its own. Somehow Mindy will become Beth's ONLY friend - so you can imagine the interaction between these two.

The biggest strength in this book is the humor. I loved, loved the fact that Rosenberg did not turn her main characters into boring, preachy, garden variety moms. There is wonderful interaction between Mindy and her daughters (the scene where Mindy's eldest daughter gets her period for the first time was both touching and laugh out loud). Mindy is the perfect opposite for Beth - as both learn life lessons as they go along.

This is a touching book. The storyline felt real and the characters were perfectly written.

This is a great book.


S. Krishna said...

This one sounds great - I'll have to check it ot!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Love the title! Sounds like a very fun book.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

This sounds like a fun read. Being a mother I like reading books about moms, but one thing I hate is how unrealistic most book moms are portrayed.

Anonymous said...

I got this as an unexpected "bonus" with another book I was asked to review. I can't wait to crack it open (like you, I'm not a huge fan of chick-lit, but it sounds like this has substance and a lot of humor in it!)

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