TITLE: Your Roots are Showing
AUTHOR: Elise Chidley
DATE: October 2008
GENRE: Fiction
RATING: 4 Stars
I received this book from the author's publicist, Miriam. Thank you Miriam!
Your Roots are Showing is the type of novel that you absolute hate putting down - "the end already?". This book is about love, mistakes and forgiveness.
Lizzie Buckley has the 'perfect' life. She has a wonderful husband and beautiful three-year-old twins. Except that lately, things are falling apart and Lizzie can't figure out why she feels so sad and empty all the time. Unfortunately, Lizzie's postpartum depression goes undiagnosed and so Lizzie's discontent grows and grows until she decides to unleashes all of her frustration and resentment in an email that she accidentally sends to her husband instead of her sister.
Lizzie's husband, not understanding where all of this is coming from, asks for a separation and Lizzie and her children find themselves having to face a new life - alone.
From the opening chapter of this book in which Lizzie needs to find a new place to live, I instantaly fell in love with the main character. Although Lizzie is scared and more than a little heartbroken, you can feel her spirit for survival and you cannot do otherwise but to root for her and her children.
Although Lizzie bravely goes on with her life, she still finds herself longing for her husband and what they use to share.
I loved the Lizzie character so much, she was full of life and although she was put (or put herself?) in a difficult situation, you never get the feeling that she felt sorry for herself. She championed on with her life and faced the day to day issues with a brave front and an open heart.
Elise Chidley has a way of turning an ordinary moment into a beautiful one - her prose is romantic, witty and soft.
I really enjoyed this novel of "girl power" - it was empowering to read.
Sounds like a good read. Think there'd be enough to discuss in a book club? Because it sounds like there might be.
I've never heard of this book, but it sounds great! I'm adding it to my TBR list right now...
I like empowering stories like that. Sounds good :-)
Sounds like a good book. Thanks for sharing for thoughts
Hey Tina! Just stopping by to check out your page and say hello! Looks like an interesting book!
This one actually sounds good! Do you think I'd like it???
This sounds like a really great book Tina. Its marked down on my TBL (To buy list).
I haven't heard of this one until now, sounds really good, going on my wish list
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