2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

REVIEW for Dear God Let Me Lose Fat Amen!

BOOKSHIPPER welcomes Pump Up Your Book Promotion's
TITLE: Dear God Let Me Lose Fat Amen!

GENRE: Self-help
RATING: 3.5 Stars
Diets are certainly on most people's minds - almost all the time. I, myself, have lived most of my life either on a diet, thinking of going on a diet or thinking of food - this issue is HUGE in our lives!
When I was asked to read Dear God Let Me lose Fat Amen! I was skeptical and I got even more skeptical when I saw the cover - but I have to say, I was totally wrong. Although I do know much about the subject (I think I could actually write my own book), Dear God Let Me Lose Fat Amen! is really a great primer on the issue of food. This book is NOT a diet book i.e. it will not have a list of foods to eat with the specific daily quantities and it does not have diet recipes. But rather, it is a no-nonsense look at what food is (and is not) and how this simple product has become so crazily distorted in our every day world.
This is not a big book (50 pages) and the book measures approx 8.5 X 11 inches. I mention this because when you open the pages, you will notice that each page stands alone and is written on a particular topic. Each page is also loaded with great graphics and I have even taped some of these pages to my refrigerator as little reminders.

Yes, the message is serious - there are too many overweight people in the Western world and its getting worse! Overeating is destroying our health and we need to stop the epidemic NOW, but actually, while the message IS seriously delivered, the method of delivery is quite clever and interesting.

A great primer to give to youngsters and adults alike. I liked this book alot.

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