2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

REVIEW for Miracle Girls

Another huge shut out to Miriam at Hachette who is an absolute joy to work with. Thank you so much for sending me this book!
TITLE: Miracle Girls
AUTHORS: Anne Dayton and
May Vanderbilt
DATE: 2008
RATING: 3 Stars
I am always a little weary of christian based novels. Miracle Girls is a great mixture of teen chick lit, christian novel, humour and inspirational genres all mixed in together.
We get to meet our main character Ana - who is an absolute over-achiever in everything she does. Best grades in school, part of every group in school, etc. Except that she does a very idiotic thing on page 4 of this book - she actually reports another student for cheating - and does so in front of the whole class, including the cheating student. This will set the scene for the entire rest of the novel.
As I was reading this passage, I kept thinking "I don't believe she did that". I was not sure whether I admire her or thought she was the stupidest person alive! No matter, what ensues is a great read detailing how 4 girls get together at detention and have to work on a project that will make them really look at their lives and their faith.
The writing is quite witty and there is alot of humour here. The girls are, for the most part, charming and entertaining and more importantly, this novel does not come across as preachy or too unrealistic. I like that the author incorporates everyday teenage issues and angst into the storyline.
While I usually prefer my chick lit with a little more edge - I liked this book and recommend it to all teens looking for a good chick lit read.


Anonymous said...

I am reading this book right now ans so far I like it. Good review.

Amy said...

I know! That beginning scene was out this world for me...I was thinking...I would never do that!
but I enjoyed the story, I thought it was cute and look forward to the next installment.

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