2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

REVIEW for Privileged

A big thank you to Miriam at Hachette for sending me this book!
TITLE: Privileged
AUTHOR: Zoey Dean
DATE: 2008
RATING: 3 stars
Privileged, written by Zoey Dean is a fun read. The basic premise of the book which is basically that Megan has lots of plans - except that she is $75,000.00 in debt because of her school loans - how does she make money to pay the debt down? She gets a great offer! Tutor two higly spoiled 17 year old twins and Megan's loans will be paid off if the twins get into Duke.
I loved this premise. You just know that you are going to end up reading a story that will be just a little bit out there and will demonstrated how truly spoiled little rich kids really are.
The twins reminded me of a cross between the Olsen twins and the Hiltons. I really love to hate these spoiled girls, but I gotta say, I was not a huge fan of Megan either.
No matter, despite the fact that I did not really like the characters (and this was intentional on the part of the author I am sure), the writing is quick, witty, funny and just plain fun. Grab this book if you are feeling a little down and need to remind yourself how ridiculous the other half can be.


Alea said...

I was looking at this book in Borders yesterday! I've been watching the tv show version! I really like one of the twins and the tutor but not the other twin. It's a fun show :D

Anonymous said...

I actually like the tv show! There are some great characters in there and a couple of them aren't too likeable but that provides the balance.

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