2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

REVIEW for The Debs

A huge shout-out to Jenny at Random House for
sending me this book!

TITLE: The Debs
AUTHOR: Susan McBride
DATE: 2008
RATING: 4 Stars

The Debs, written by Susan McBride is a guilty pleasure for me.

I am a few years pass the Young Adult age and living in Montreal, even if I were a YA, I am very far removed from the Southern Debutante lifestyle. So, reading this book give me the opportunity of living the life of a deb through the eyes of 4 very different girls.

The story of these girls who are all being "tagged" as debs for the upcoming season is absolutely hugely entertaining.

Laura who struggles with her body image and has to go through life (and the Debutant season in a size 14 body - horrors!); but more than that, she may have a secret that could destroy her.

Michelle who wants nothing to do with the debutante society, but finds herself doing for her late mother and her current stepmother's own selfish reasons.

Ginger who sees the ball as a ways to a means.

And finally.... the tie that binds them all together....

Jo-lynn who is going to make sure that none of these girls gets the "title".

I think of all the characters, Jo-Lynn was my favorite. She was absolutely horrible, no conscience and absolutely nothing standing in her way (including the three girls).

I traditionally, like these type of characters because they give "spice" to the storyline and let me say, J0-Lynn is one mean character. Some of the stuff she does (stoops to really) borders on the obsessive and is great fun. As I was reading, I could not wait to see what horror she would think of next.

This book is a fun read. There is non-stop action and there is a nice diversity between all of the characters - there is a character for everyone here.

The storyline is well brought together and the writing is down to earth - non preachy and just a joy to read.

I strongly recommend that you get this delightful book.


S. Krishna said...

I have this book on my shelf so I'm glad to hear you liked it!

Alea said...

This one sounds really cute!

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