2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

REVIEW for Greener Grass

A huge thank you to RED DEER PRESS who so kindly sent me this book!

TITLE: Greener Grass

AUTHOR: Caroline Pignat


RATING: 3 Stars

This book is not usually the type of book that I read. It covers off all kinds of topics that I am not really familiar with. The book details the year of 1847 - during the Patato famine in Ireland.

As I mentioned, I was not really familiar with this event in history and Ireland somehow has always seemed so far away. Yet, this story of a heroic fourteen year old girl who is asked to grow up way beyond her chronological age in order to save both herself and her family during this horrible crisis is very interesting.

The story takes us along the hard and difficult and very unfair period in history where the rich grew richer by taking what belonged to everybody and the poor grew poorer. This book is both sad (Kit must endure some heartwrenching events) and inspiring - all the more real because it was based on a true crisis.

I cannot even begin to imagine the horror that these people must have lived through. The author manages to convey this injustice with touching scenes and managed to make a subject that was so horrible, somehow come to life for me.

The author should be commended on a great job and a touching book.

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