2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

REVIEW for Well Enough Alone

A huge thank you goes out to author Jennifer Traig for sending me this book!!!

TITLE: Well Enough Alone

AUTHOR: Jennifer Traig

GENRE: Memoir/Self-Help

RATING: 3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed Jennifer Traig's previous book and I was looking forward to reading this one. Traig has a knack for taking a "serious" subject and turning it on its ear - all the while feeding us full of useful information on that very same subject.

Well Enough Alone is one such book. The subject matter is somewhat taboo in our society and is never really discussed openly and yet, there are many, many people suffering in silence. Traig talks about it as if it she were talking about a pimple on her face - and does it with a senses of humour that I just adored. Yet, at the same time, the author gives us lots of pertinent information on the subject and more importantly, removes some of the stigma from it.

The one thing I had a bit of a problem with (and why I rated the book 3 instead of 4 stars) is the fact that, at times, I found the storylines jumped around alot - and it took me a few seconds to situate myself - especially if I put the book down and picked it up a day later. Still, this is a great read on a difficult subject to talk about in "polite company".


Ania said...

Hmmm... maybe I'm missing something, but your review made me curious what the subject of the book actually is!

Library Cat said...

Me too because I have not heard anything else about this book. I guess I will just have to Google it! Thanks for the review.

Stephanie said...

Oh, excellent! I'll be keeping an eye out for this one. I read Devil In The Details this summer and laughed hysterically through the whole thing. Thanks for the great review!

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