2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

REVIEW for Rotten Apple

Thank you very much Jessica and Random House for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: Rotten Apple

AUTHOR: Rebecca Eckler

RATING: 3.5 stars

Rotten Apple is a novel with a clear message to all YA. One of the biggest problems, in my opinion, with YA today is that they do not seem to be "in touch with themselves" they seem to be completely removed from reality - needing constant stimulation in order to be able to function.
In Rotten Apple, we meet Apple who is an introvert. Her mother, who is a talk show host is anything but introverted. Here, lies, most of the conflicts that will arise in this YA novel. Mother and teenage daughter conflicts are nothing new in the book world (or in the real world for that matter!) but the relationship between mother and daughter is explored in a sensitive, delicate and at times frustrating and funny ways.As the novel goes on we discover the Apple has alot more emotions and feelings that she needs to share (about a particular boy for instance) and she is encouraged to voice these in a safe environment.
By the end of the storyline, Apple slowly is starting to learn to express herself more and to be more open about situations.As I mentioned, I liked this book because it was written in a deeply sensitive manner and it is obvious that the author was aware that she was writing for her target audience.
There is definitely a message in this plot and a positive message it is.I rated 3.5 stars because, at times, I found the story a little slow and Apple and her mother could, at times, be a little annoying, but I enjoyed the overall tone of this engaging storyline.


Melanie said...

I don't read many YA books but I like the reviews in case there is something that catches my eye for my son. He is 14 1/2 and loves to read like me:)

Diana Dang said...

Hm, doesn't seem like something I would be interested in.

bermudaonion said...

It sounds like a good book for teen girls. I wonder why they used the name Apple - there's only 1 Apple that I've ever heard of.

Meljprincess said...

I enjoy reading YA. This book would be perfect for my niece. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm trying to make a list of books I want to send her.
Would that be Gwyneth Paltrow's Apple, bermudaonion?

Yan said...

I'm just sitting here wondering who would name their child Apple...thanks for the review Tina! but sadly I don't think I have any interest in this book.

Kristie said...

I haven't read a YA in a long time. I don't know why... there seem to be so many good ones out there and teaching the audience it is geared to should make me pick one up. Do you have any good recommendations?

Wall-to-wall books said...

That is such a sweet cover!

Sue A. said...

Thanks for the review!

darbyscloset said...

A good message always marks a great read! Glad to see this is out there for young girls!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Dancer229 said...

Thank you for the review! This one sounds like something my niece might like.

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