2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, March 16, 2009

REVIEW for A Date you Can't Refuse

A huge thank you goes out to Jessica at Random House for sending me this great book!!!

TITLE: A Date you Can't Refuse
AUTHOR: Harley Jane Kozak
GENRE: Chick Lit - Whodunnit
RATING: 4 Stars
A Date you Can't Refuse is one of those books - I just did not want it to finish. Initially, I thought this novel would be about a girl going on different dates (based on the title), but I was pleased to discover that this is more of a chick lit - whoddunit book.Author, Harley Jane Kozak introduces us to an absolutely wonderful heroine - Wollie Shelley.
Somehow Wollie gets herself tangled up in an FBI case - involving dead bodies and lots of threats. The FBI enlists her help by using her as an undercover (decoy) for their sting operation - and really, Wollie has no choice by to go along with it since the FBI has promised her the best care for her mentally ill brother.
The above description sounds extremely serious, but the author has interjected her story with lots of funny moments and some very touching ones as well. You will not believe the situations in which Wollie gets herself into and I found myself completely engrossed in this very fine novel.
If you want a great chick lit read, with a little murder and mayhem thrown in, then I suggest you pick up this book.


Anonymous said...

I just love books that one hates to finish - they're the best kind!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fun read. Too bad the publisher didn't let you do a giveaway....I would love to try for one. Did you just ask them for one or may I ask how you got it? Thanks for the great post!

Tina said...

Bingo: No, I never thought of asking the publisher for a giveaway copy. Unfotunately, mailing anything out from Canada is sooooo expensive, that I try to limit my giveaways a little bit in 2009.

But thank you for the comment and I do hope you get a copy of the book. I got mine from Jessica at Randome House Canada - but she did tell me that she works only with Canadian bloggers - not sure if you are Canadian? if so, email me and I can give you her email. If you are from the US, I don't think she can send you a copy, but you might want to contact the publisher directly?

Donna said...

Sounds like another fun book!

MonieG said...

This one looks like fun. I'm adding it to my wishlist. Thanks for the review.

bermudaonion said...

I love books like that - the ones you can't stop reading, but you don't want to end. Great review.

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