2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

REVIEW FOR It Sucked and then I Cried

Another big thank you goes out to Simon & Shuster for sending me this book!!
TITLE: It Sucked and then I Cried
AUTHOR: Heather Armstrong
GENRE: Memoir (humor)
RATING: 4 Stars
I am not a mother myself, but for some reason, I like reading about what it is like to be a mother. I am also a huge fan of covers and titles and I thought that this book was very well titled (clever) - the cover - not so much....
However, the book is about the storyline and I have to say that Heather was certainly extremely honest about her depiction of motherhood. I think that she was quite witty and I enjoyed the fact that she could mention her love for her child, her resentment for the same child and her deep need for alcohol to make it all better.
Of course, most of this is said in a totally funny way and that is the strength in this book. Well, that and the honesty factor. I always wonder why some people get so offended when a mother writes that being a mother is wonderful and stressful and beautiful and hard. I, personally, admire Heather for being able to put it all down on paper so well - and most of all, to have the courage to have a baby and still have kept her humour about her.
This book is a good read, it kept me interested and entertained.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh my gosh! This books sounds so good to me! I have to get it!

Thanks, you have turned me on to so many books!!

bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a fun read. I agree with you about the title and the cover.

Kathy W said...

What a great title for a book. Sounds interesting.

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