2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, April 10, 2009

REVIEW for The Funeral Planner Goes to the White House

Thank you, thank you Adam at Harlequin for sending this along to me!!!

TITLE: The Funeral Planner Goes to the White House

AUTHOR: Lynn Isenberg

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING: 4 Stars

Yeah!!! A chick lit book from the now defunct Red Dress Ink series. I had read, a while back, The Funeral Planner and enjoyed it, but somehow managed to miss the second book in the series - until now. The Funeral Planner Goes to the White House is the sequel to the first book and re-introduces us to Maddie. She has been asked by the big guy himself, the President of the US, to be her "top funeral planner and advisor".

Now, first off, this plotline sounds silly and really, it is, but this is CHICK LIT and I don't care - it made for a great storyline and although improbable, was fun, fun to read. I also loved the book's beginning - Oppssss! Forgot to say the Serenity Prayer. Anything with that sentence in it has definitely got my attention.

Take this book, read it and enjoy it!! All with a grain of salt. This is a feelgood type of book and that is why I love this author so much.

This book is funny, a tad over the top and I loved it.


bermudaonion said...

The plot does sound a little silly. Glad you enjoyed it.

cindysloveofbooks said...

It does sound silly but yet I am sure it was a great read. So happy you go a chick lit book.. Yea!!!

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