2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

REVIEW for My Parents are Sex Maniacs

A big thank you goes out to Annick Press - www.annickpress.com

TITLE: My Parents are Sex Maniacs

AUTHOR: Robyn Harding


RATING: 4 Stars

I love YA and My Parents are Sex Maniacs is perfect in so many ways. First of all, it made me remember how I felt in high school. It seems as though I was , somehow, always mortified by something my parents did (regarldess of what they ACTUALLY did) and reading this book made me go down memory lane.Louise and Sienna are best friends and they both get a nasty surprise, Louise's Dad and Sienna's mom are caught cheating together.

As you can imagine, not only does this have a huge impact emotionally on both girls, it also serves as gossip for those around them and in particular, their peers in school.I loved this storyline, Louise was so incredibly melodramatic at every turn - I mean, yes, she had every reason to be confused and hurt, but she went overboard on the drama and, in many ways, milked this for everything she could. Yet, author Harding wrote the character of Louise in such a way, that throughout, I never stopped loving her as a character. She was at times annoying, funny and sad.One of the strongest points of this book is its humour - despite the very serious topic - and it worked well.

There is a message here - one about wanting to fit in when you are a teenager - and that parents are NOT always right in their own life choices.

I liked this book alot and recommend it .


bermudaonion said...

The title of that book is hilarious!

Diana Dang said...

Great review!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ha ha ha, Great title, great fun cover. Looks like a good book.

MonieG said...

This looks like a great book. Thanks for the review.

Bingo said...

I bet this IS a fun book to read. Thanks for the review!

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